Shipping & Returns

If you are dissatisfied with your order for any reason, you can return your unopened items in original condition for a prompt refund or exchange. Refunds for items returned within thirty days of the purchase date will be credited in the same form as the original payment type. Refunds for items returned more than thirty days after the purchase date will be in the form of a credit redeemable on your next purchase. The original shipping and handling charges are not refundable. If you have an exchange for the same dollar amount as the original purchase, no additional shipping or handling charges will be incurred. Please mail your package in a prepaid, insured, traceable method to the address below. 

Customer Service

Phone: 518-828-9111


9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time


Mailing Address

Grether's Customer Service

Bioforce USA

6 Grandinetti Drive

Ghent, NY 12075